Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Simple Whole Wheat cornmeal Pizza Crust Recipe

Measure carefully, placing all ingredients except cornmeal in bread machine pan in the order determined by the owners manual. Program dough cycle setting, press start. Remove dough from bread machine pan, let rest 2 to 3 minutes. Pat and gently stretch dough into 14-15-inch circle. Spray 14-inch pizza pan with nonstick cooking spray, sprinkle with cornmeal, if desired. Press dough into pan. Follow the instructions and lofty for any baking recipes. 1 thick 14 --
inch crust is 8 servings

* 1 tablespoon cornmeal
* 1 1 / 4 cup warm water
* 1 / 4 teaspoon salt - optional
* 2 tablespoons sugar or honey
* 2 cups all-purpose flour - divided
* 1 cup whole wheat flour
* 2 teaspoons active dry yeast

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